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  • Limitations to Conventional Computing

    Limitations to Conventional Computing

    Is it possible to invent a computer that computes anything in a flash? Or could some problems stump even the most powerful of computers? How complex is too complex for computation? The question of how hard a problem is to solve lies at the heart of an important field of computer science called computational complexity.

    Computational complexity theorists want to know which problems are practically solvable using clever algorithms and which problems are truly difficult, maybe even virtually impossible, for computers to crack. This hardness is central to what’s called the P versus NP problem, one of the most difficult and important questions in all of math and science.

    This video covers a wide range of topics including: the history of computer science, how transistor-based electronic computers solve problems using Boolean logical operations and algorithms, what is a Turing Machine, the different classes of problems, circuit complexity, and the emerging field of meta-complexity, where researchers study the self-referential nature of complexity questions.

  • A Primer to Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain

    A Primer to Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain

    Virtually every transaction comes with an intermediary involved. Using a technology called blockchain, Bitcoin was the first prominent cryptocurrency that could operate without a financial intermediary. The future technology of the blockchain will enable a wide range of peer-to-peer applications without intermediaries.