Wireless Audio for Nighttime Danger Avoidance

WANDA is a 6-foot long musical baton made from a pair of wireless stereo speakers.

Walk out loud!


If you recently enjoyed one of Mike’s performances with WANDA, we ask that you consider supporting this artform by awarding a monetary tip to honor this occasion.


Be the Star

WANDA is available for purchase, whether you aspire to be a performer along the streets or simply want to be safe and visible to traffic while walking at night.

from $85.00
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Safety and Visibility While Walking

In the United States on average, 142 pedestrians are killed each week
3 of them from the state of Ohio.

The graphic below contains further details of such pedestrian fatalities, broken down by state, root cause, time of day, and victim demographics.

Your Music Interacts
with Your Environment

The paired wireless speakers generate a personal zone of the user's choice of music, projecting loudly enough for an audience of surrounding pedestrians and nearby drivers to hear this music and enjoy the user's performance.

Altogether, WANDA not only helps its user stand out among surrounding drivers to avoid tragic accidents, but it also sustains an immersive, magical experience filled with joy, expression, and your choice of music.